Family Champion Centre

Family Champion Centre – Offers support focused on the positive progression and sustainability within the family unit rather than focusing on the barriers that prevent and hinder mobility.  Regardless of the size or obstacles that hinder the family unit, Generations Renewed will refer families to other community resources that will allow them to get on track for success. The FCC believes that meeting the needs of the entire family unit provides long-term planning for the future.

Financial Literacy –The FCC provides helpful Financial Literacy resources to families that will help to stabilize their foundation by following a healthy goal focused budget.  Fundamental shopping smart tips, successful saving and emergency fund workshops that guide families to renew their minds from generational spending habits that hinder financial mobility.

Building Financial Awareness in the next generation is critical to avoiding the pitfalls of the past. The FCC commits to providing financial literacy training to children and teens concerning savings, spending, and investing providing them with a stronger financial foundation than the generations before.

Homeownership– Every family dreams of homeownership, The FCC combines Financial Literacy, Positive Progression and Sustainability together to offer families resources and fundamentals for homeownership.  Generations Renewed will carefully guide and assist our families in credit repair, and more as they work with various housing lenders and organizations to accomplish the dream of home ownership.


  1. To build Financial Freedom thru programs and workshops that assist families with budgeting.
  2. To change the mindset of family elders, and encourage latter stage Financial breakthrough.
  3. To encourage and understand the importance of Building Generational Wealth.

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