Youth Bridge Centre

Youth Bridge Centre serve students Elementary – College Freshmen providing a bridge that connect generations past, present and future with a clear path to success no matter the vehicle used to arrive; college, job opportunites or vocational training we believe the road to success is a life journey that has to begin at the first sign of passion and focus.

We Embrace, Empower and Invoke a diverse community of young people that would otherwise have no hope of living above Generational poverty.  We believe for our community to experience lasting and significant change we must get the youth excited, they are no doubt the future.

As certified Youth Mental Health First Aide responders our staff can identify children in crisis, and assist families in getting early help. Our focus is on building stronger families, by building stronger youth. We partner with other community organizations through referrals and resource to assure our families confidentially recieve the help our students need and deserve. From Bullying to Basic Stress Management we collabrate with community partners to provide support.

 Youth Bridge Centre  Programs

  1. Bold Beginnings – Summer Employability Camp focused on providing career challenges and workshops, Financial Literacy especially for community students.
  2. F.L.Y – Assistance for students making next-level education decision parent workshops offered to secure college financial aid and scholarship dollars. Support for enrolled students facing hunger, homelessness and stress related crisis.
  3. R.I.S.E- Structured to support students involved in domestic violence, mental health and other life altering situations.
  4. G.I.G.- Construction services program geared to train and propell girls interested in working in generally men focused careers.